Sunday, January 16, 2011

Extra help in typing the GOODBYE.C source code

The first line looks like this:
#include <stdio.h>

Type  a  pound  sign  (press  Shift+#)  and  then include and a space. Type a left angle bracket (it’s  above  the  comma  key)  and  then stdio, a
period, h, and a right angle bracket. Everything must  be  in  lowercase  —  no  capitals!  Press Enter to end this line and start the second line.

Press the Enter key alone on the second line to make it blank. Blank lines are common in pro­gramming code; they add space that separates
pieces of the code and makes it more readable. And, trust me, anything that makes program­ming code more readable is okay by me!

Rip DVD to avi, watch it on computer and store it on your phone, share it to your friend.
Convert dvd to mp3. Watch your movie by your hand. Enjoy it everywhere.
Convert dvd to mp4. Show it to everybody. Attract eyeballs.

Type the word int, a space, a main, and then two parentheses hugging nothing:

int main()

There  is  no  space  between  main and  the parentheses and no space inside the parenthe­ses. Press Enter to start the fourth line.

Type a left curly brace:


This character is on a line by itself, right at the start of the line. Press Enter to start the fifth line.

printf(“Goodbye, cruel

If your editor was smart enough to automati­cally indent this line, great. If not, press the Tab key to indent. Then type printf, the word print with a little fat then end, (It’s pronounced “print­eff.”)  Type  a  left  parenthesis.  Type  a  double quote. Type Goodbye, cruel world, followed by
an exclamation point. Then type a backslash, a little n, double quotes, a right parenthesis, and, finally, a semicolon. Press Enter to start the sixth ine.

If  the  editor  doesn’t  automatically  indent  the sixth line, press the Tab key to start the line with an indent. Then type return, a paren, 0 (zero), a paren, and a semicolon. Press Enter.

On the seventh line, type the right curly brace:
Some editors automatically unindent this brace for you. If not, use your editor to back up the brace so that it’s in the first column. Press the Enter key to end this line.

Leave the eighth line blank.

Welcome to reproduce this passage. Please indicate the source when you reproduce this passage.
Source: C Language

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